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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Welcome to Friday, July 26th, 2024

Corporate resolution stating commitment to the Code
WHEREAS, MPDirect, Inc. is committed to producing goods of the highest quality under fair labor standards and conditions that respect the rights and promote the welfare of its workers; and

WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Directors of MPDirect, Inc. that its participation in and compliance with the standards of the Association would serve the best interest of MPDirect, Inc. by, among other things, promoting those goals;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT MPDirect, Inc. shall forthwith be affiliated with the Fair Labor Association and shall adopt the Fair Labor Association Workplace Code of Conduct and Compliance Benchmarks, and other duties and requirements of affiliates of the Association.

FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the president and other officers of MPDirect, Inc. are hereby directed, authorized, and empowered to execute all documents and instruments, and to take all actions that are, in their judgment, necessary or appropriate for affiliation with the Fair Labor Association, comply with its standards and other requirements of affiliation, and to otherwise carry out the intentions of these resolutions.

© 2010 - 2024 MPDirect, Inc
MPDirect is committed to the Fair Labor Association's (FLA) workplace Code of Conduct. We take respect for human rights and compliance with labor laws very seriously and we select business partners that share our commitment to ethical practices and agree to our standards of business conduct.